6-8 Sept 20 pm PREMIERE CABARET "De Forstummedes Tale / SPEECH OF THE SILENCED ONES" 8 pm by Shostakovitj and new music by Hanne Tofte Jespersen to poems by Anna Akhmatova -

AA small

Gitta-Maria Sjöberg sopr - Julia Lindgren sopr - Elisabeth Zeuthen Schneider vl - John Ehde vcl - Polina Fradkina pno -
Thomas Bang actor - Yury Vladovsky actor.
Mette Borg director and manus. Yury Vladovsky video and photo montage.
Translations Mette Dalsgaard and Niels Brunse

Venue: KONCERTKAPELLET, Sankt Hans Gade 51, DK-4000 Roskilde


3 Aug 1st performance during Opening Concert at NORDIC SONG FESTIVAL 2024:
Inger Dam-Jensen & Mats Jansson first perform 5 new songs by Hanne Tofte Jespersen for poems by Inger Christensen.

3rd-11th Aug Hanne Tofte Jespersen is the festival's composer in residency 2024 - with a number of 1st performances of commissioned works and teaching masters classes to young singers and pianists in working with contemporary songs.

Sted: NORDIC SONG FESTIVAL, Trollhättan, Sweden


16 March 4 pm Duo Kjærbye/Maschmann (DK/DE) performs Hanne Tofte Jespersen ETRURIA Suite for vl & cb as part of their performance programme in Sønderborg Musikforening
Venue: Riddersalen, Sønderborg Castle, Sønderbro 1, DK-6400 Sønderborg


1. March 7pm SALON ORDLYD - Concert lecture with Hanne Tofte Jespersen's songs for poems by Norwegian poet Marit Tusvik
featuring: Noora Karhuluoma soprano, Ida Andersson piano, Hanne Tofte Jespersen composer
Venue: ORDLYD, Rugvænget 4, DK-4700 Næstved



14.-28.Nov. Scholarship to San Cataldo (Scala/Amalfi, Italy) - to compose music for the cabaret project "Speech of the silenced ones" (premiere 6.-8. Sept 2024)


5 Nov 4 pm Moderator at dialogue concert with violinist Arne Balk-Møller and pianist Troels Roland in Roskilde Musikforening. The concert is part of Arne Balk-Møllers KUV project (Artistic Development Project) at the Music Conservatory in Odense (SDMK). The duo will perform some absolute master pieces within the violin-piano genre, and dialogue with audience inbetween the works.
Venue: Roskilde Gymnasium, Bondetinget 1, 4000 Roskilde


11.okt kl.19 Moderator at concert introduction in Roskilde Musikforening in which I'll interview the American composer and conductor Victoria Bond. Viktoria Bond is invited to DK by Roskilde Chamber Music Society in connection with the 1st performance of her work "Blue and Green" for string quartet during the evening's concert with Nigthingale String Quartet. Radio Denmark (DR P2) transmits the concert.

Venue: Roskilde Gymnasium, Bondetinget 1, 4000 Roskilde


23 Sept 3 pm Duo Kjærbye/Maschmann (DK/DE) performs Hanne Tofte Jespersen ETRURIA Suite for vl & cb as part of their performance programme in Kalundborg.
Venue: Musisk Skole Kalundborg, Skovbrynet 55, 4400 Kalundborg


17 July 3 pm Solo clarinettist Anna Klett performs Hanne Tofte Jespersen METAMORFOSES - A Solo dialogue for Eb clarinet and Basset horn, during the festival Summartónar
: The Locals, FO-388 Mykines

12 July 4 pm Solo clarinettist Anna Klett performs Hanne Tofte Jespersen METAMORFOSES - A Solo dialogue for Eb clarinet and Basset horn, during the festival Summartónar
Í Gjónni, FO-476 Gjógv

11 July 8 pm Solo clarinettist Anna Klett 1st performs Hanne Tofte Jespersen METAMORFOSES - A Solo dialogue for Eb clarinet and Basset horn, during the festival Summartónar
Venue: Finsen, FO-100 Tórshavn, Faroe Islands


19 March 4 pm Duo Kjærbye/Maschmann (DK/DE) performs Hanne Tofte Jespersen ETRURIA Suite for vl & cb during church concert
Venue Engholm Kirke, Engholm Kirkevej 1, DK-3450 Allerød

18 March 3 pm Duo Kjærbye/Maschmann (DK/DE) performs Hanne Tofte Jespersen ETRURIA Suite for vl & cb during concert with the duo and Talentklassen of Kolding Cultural School
Venue: Riis Toft Salen, Kulturskolen Kolding, Riis Toft 12a, 6000 Kolding

15.March 7 pm Duo Kjærbye/Maschmann (DK/DE) performs Hanne Tofte Jespersen ETRURIA Suite for vl & cb as part of their 1 h concert
Sankt Nikolai Church, Nordenkirke 4, 4900 Nakskov

9. February 4 pm Pop up concert: 2 violins and finissage
Øssur Bæk and Kuno Kjærbye perform music from Hanne Tofte Jespersen's new album WORKS FOR STRINGS during finissage of Herold G Kristensen art exhibition.
Venue: Københavns Kunsthandel, Sdr. Boulevard 81, DK-1720 København V



4 Nov DUO KARHULUOMA - ANDERSSON perform new vocal piece for soprano & piano
'Å kome attende dit ein aldri før har vore' during lied recital
Venue: Ribe Kunstmuseum/ Ribe Art Museum, Sct. Nicolaj Gade 10, 6760 Ribe - organised by Ribe Music Society


25 Oct 7 pm STRING QUARTET No 1 "TIMES OF UNREST - Haydn-Tofte Jespersen-Britten"
performed by Nordic String Quartet Nordic String Quartet in 'Cæcilia' Music Society
Venue: Vordingborg Kirke, Kirketorvet 14 A, 4760 Vordingborg


2 Oct 3 pm DUO KARHULUOMA - ANDERSSON 1st perform new vocal piece for soprano & piano
'Å kome attende dit ein aldri før har vore' during lied recital in ART SONG Aarhus
Venue: Officersbygningen, the Concert hall, Vestergade 3, 8000 Aarhus C 8000 Aarhus C
26 Sept 7:30 pm STRING QUARTET No 1 "TIMES OF UNREST - Haydn-Tofte Jespersen-Britten"
performed by Nordic String Quartet Nordic String Quartet in Lyngby-Taarbæk Chamber Music Society
Venue: Sorgenfri Kirke, Hummeltoften 1, 2830 Virum


19 Sept 7 pm CD RELEASE 'UROLIGE TIDER - Haydn-Tofte Jespersen-Britten' - label Danacord
Meet Hanne Tofte Jespersen, Kirstine Schneider 1vl, Mads Haugsted Hansen 2vl, Daniel Eklund vla, Lea Brøndal vc, in an artist talk facilitated by Adam Simonsen, clarinettist and DR P" host. The Quartet plays live extracts from the new album.
Venue: Unitarernes Hus, Dag Hammerskjölds Alle 30, 2100 København Ø
14 Sept 7:30 pm STRING QUARTET No 1 "TIMES OF UNREST - Haydn-Tofte Jespersen-Britten"
performed by Nordic String Quartet in Furesø Chamber Music Society
Venue: Galaksen, Bymidten 48, DK-3500 Værløse


20 Aug 1 pm VERNISSAGE CONCERT at art exhibition of works from ART CONCERTS for children 2022 - visual art: Erik Schwarzbart, Laila Mortensen, Helle Hove and participating children.
TRIO: Hanne Tofte Jespersen, vocal, piano - Anna Klett, clarinet - Caroline Trier Madsen, cello
venue: KunstSmedjen, MUSICON, Bagtæppet 8, 4000 Roskilde


13 Aug 1 pm ART CONCERT for with children 6-8 yrs and their families
TRIO: Hanne Tofte Jespersen, vocal, piano - Anna Klett, clarinet - Caroline Trier Madsen, cello + visual artist Helle Hove
venue: Gasværket, in Iben Brøndum's textile workspace, Vindeboder 1, 4000 Roskilde


6 Aug 1 pm ART CONCERT for with children 4-6 yrs and their families
TRIO: Hanne Tofte Jespersen, vocal, piano - Anna Klett, clarinet - Caroline Trier Madsen, cello + visual artists Erik Schwarzbart & Laila Mortensen
venue: Bibliotekshaven/ The Library Garden behind Roskilde Library, Ved Klostermuren, 4000 Roskilde


5 Aug 1 pm ART CONCERT for with children 9-12 yrs and their families
TRIO: Hanne Tofte Jespersen, vocal, piano - Anna Klett, clarinet - Caroline Trier Madsen, cello + visual artists Laila Mortensen & Erik Schwarzbart
venue: KunstSmedjen, MUSICON, Bagtæppet 8, 4000 Roskilde


2 July 1pm Canadian duo Cathy Wood and Jenny Maclay 1st perform Hanne Tofte Jespersen's
for 2 clarinets and piano during International ClarinetFest 2022.
venue: Peppermill Resort, Reno/Lake Tahoe, Nevada, US


23 April 3 pm Duo Kjærbye/Maschmann (DK/DE) perform Hanne Tofte Jespersen ETRURIA Suite for vl & cb
venue: Casa de la Guitarra, Østrigsgade 47, DK 2300 Cph S
12 March 1 pm Kuno Kjærbye performs Hanne Tofte Jespersen's FANTASIA in view of J.S.Bach
and the two context works Bach's C major Sonata and Partita in E for solo violin.
venue: Trappegalleriet, Kattesundet 6, 4900 Nakskov



December 8th and 12th: Conducting Christmas Concerts with Vor Frues Sangkor:
8 Dec 7 pm, venue: Syv Sognegård, Skolevej 17, 4130 Viby Sj - choir music and community singing
12 Dec 3 pm, venue: Ny Vor Frue Kirke, Vor Frue Hovedgade 63, 4000 Roskilde - choir music


4 Dec 2 pm 'FANTASIA under impression of J.S.Bach' - solo work for violinist Kuno Kjærbye's concert project with J.S.Bach's 6 solo sonatas / partitas + 3 new works. 'Fantasia' is composed for the context of the Sonata in C and Partita in E.
Venue: Elsinore Song Factory, Ydunsvej 16, 3000 Helsingør


24 nov ReCORDING OF FINDING CONSORTS: Núria Sanromà Gabàs, zink (cornetto) - Emmanuelle Bernard, baroque violin - Heidi Gröger, viola da gamba - Andreas Arend, theorbo
Producer: Studio Liquido


23 Nov 8:30 pm FINDING CONSORTS as part of "Broken Consort Experience" during TIDLØS Festival, performed by
Sanromà Gabàs, zink - Emmanuelle Bernard, baroque violin - Heidi Gröger, viola da gamba - Andreas Arend, theorbo

Venue: Roskilde Gymnasium, Bondetinget 1, DK-4000 Roskilde


22 Nov 7:30 pm FINDING CONSORTS as part of "Broken Consort Experience" during TIDLØS Festival, performed by
Sanromà Gabàs, zink - Emmanuelle Bernard, baroque violin - Heidi Gröger, viola da gamba - Andreas Arend, theorbo

KONCERTKIRKEN / The Concert Church, Blågårds Plads 6A, DK-2200 Copenhagen N
16 Nov 8 am COMPOSITION workshop 'Composer in the classroom' (5 h)
Venue: Højene Skole, 9800 Hjørring. Organiser: Danish Composers Society
5 Nov 9:50 am COMPOSITION workshop 'The Sound of Freedom' (3 h)
Venue: Lynghøjskolen, Lynghøjen 107, 4000 Roskilde. Organiser: SPIL DANSK


3 Sept 4 pm premiere of 'VIBRANDRING FO-100' during festival Nordic Music Days 2021, Faroe Islands
Venue: GLASÍR & Tórshavnar Musikkskúli, FO-100 Tórshavn


17 Aug - 4 Sept artist in residency with project for Nordic Music Days 2021, Tórshavn, Faroe Islands
13 Aug 3 pm ART CONCERT for and with children 4-8 yr and their families
w/ Hanne Tofte Jespersen, vocal - Anna Klett, clarinet - Caroline Trier Madsen, cello + visual artist Mia Williaume
venue: Bibliotekshaven - the rose garden by Roskilde library, Ved Klostermuren, 4000 Roskilde


7 Aug 12 am ART CONCERT for and with children 4-8 yr and their families
w/ Hanne Tofte Jespersen, vocal - Anna Klett, clarinet - Caroline Trier Madsen, cello + visual artist Lene Løve Sørensen
venue: Kreativt Hus for Børn, Algade 31, 4000 Roskilde


6 Aug 1 pm ART CONCERT for and with children 4-8 yr and their families
w/ Hanne Tofte Jespersen, vocal - Anna Klett, clarinet - Caroline Trier Madsen, cello + visual artist Charlotte Troldahl
venue: Bibliotekshaven - the rose garden by Roskilde library, Ved Klostermuren, 4000 Roskilde



postponed till September 2022: 10 March 2021 7:30 pm STRING QUARTET No 1 "TIMES OF UNREST -
Haydn-Tofte Jespersen-Britten"
performed by Nordic String Quartet in Furesø Chamber Music Society
Venue: Galaksen, Bymidten 48, DK-3500 Værløse


postponed till 2021/22: 1 February 7:30 pm STRING QUARTET No 1 "TIMES OF UNREST -
Haydn-Tofte Jespersen-Britten" performed by Nordic String Quartet in
Lyngby-Taarbæk Musik Society
sted: Sorgenfri Kirke, Hummeltoften 1, 2830 Virum




10 Nov 7:30 pm STRING QUARTET No 1 "TIMES OF UNREST - Haydn-Tofte Jespersen-Britten"
performed by Nordic String Quartet in Roskilde Chamber Music Society
Venue: Roskilde Gymnasium, Domkirkepladsen/ Bondetinget 1, DK-4000 Roskilde


8.nov 4 pm STRYGEKVARTET No 1 "TIMES OF UNREST - Haydn-Tofte Jespersen-Britten"
performed by Nordic String Quartet in Ribe Chamber Music Society.
Introduction by composer Hanne Tofte Jespersen 3:30 pm
Venue: Sct. Catharinæ Kirke / Sct. Catharinae Church, Sct. Catharinæ Plads 4, DK-6760 Ribe


4 Nov 7:30 pm 1st performance: STRING QUARTET No 1 "TIMES OF UNREST - Haydn-Tofte Jespersen-Britten", performed by Nordic String Quartet in BRAGE Chamber Music Society, Randers - commissioned by BRAGE.
Venue: Værket, Sven Dalsgaards Plads 1, DK-8900 Randers


1 Nov 4 pm: 1st performance of FANTASIA for solo violin - commissioned for Kuno Kjærbye's project of 3 concerts with J.S.Bach's 6 solo sonatas / partitas for solo violin - 2 of them at each concert together with one commissioned new piece.
Venue: Engholm Kirke, Engholm Kirkevej 1, DK-3450 Allerød


September: Residency in the Faroe Islands conc. VIBRANDRING FO-100 as collaborate project, with performance during Nordic Music Days Sept 22-25 in Tórshavn


24 February 8 pm: Presentation of new piece for solo violin in "Frankenstein's Lab"
Venue: Koncertkirken, Blågårds Plads 6A, DK-2200 Cph N - organised by Danish Composers Society



December: Conducting two Christmas Concerts with Vor Frues Sangkor:
11 Dec 7 pm, venue: Syv Sognegård, Skolevej 17, 4130 Viby Sj - choir music and community singing
15 Dec 3 pm, venue: Ny Vor Frue Kirke, Vor Frue Hovedgade 63, 4000 Roskilde - choir music
16 June 1st performance: FINDING CONSORTS during Festival Lübecker Lauten Lust 2019
commissioned piece for a broken consort performed by Andreas Arend, theorbo - Emmanuelle Bernard, baroque violin -
Heidi Gröger, viola da gamba - Núria Sanromà Gabàs, zink.

venue: Hafenschuppen C, Nördliche Wallhalbinsel, Willy-Brandt-Allee 31 c, 23554 Lübeck (DE) 11 am.


29 April-5 May workshops and concerts: 'FARVESPILLET / THE PLAY OF COLOURS' as primary school project with all class 2 children in Glostrup District. Produced by Glostrup Musikskole


5-6 April 1st performance: 'VIBRANDRING' in Varde and Esbjerg, featuring Esbjerg Ensemble, students from Esbjerg & Varde Cultural schools conducted by Arne Balk Møller.

Friday 5 April at 16:00 Medborgerhuset, Storegade 57, 6800 Varde

Saturday 6 April at 15:00 Præstegårdsskolen, Søndervangen 18, 6700 Esbjerg

is performed as family concert at 11 am
Venue: Jazzhouse Montmartre, Store Regnegade 19A, DK-1110 Copenhagen K
2-3 Feb: HÅB / HOPE feat. Vor Frues Sangkor, MandHatten, Stefan Forssén & John Ehde, conductors Jørgen Andersen & Hanne Tofte Jespersen
Sat 2 Feb 4 pm Nicolai Scene, Skolegade 2, 6000 Kolding
Sun 3 Feb 3 pm Hannerup Kirke, Prangervej 114, 7000 Fredericia


4 Nov 3:30 pm Concert project HÅB / HOPE feat. Vor Frues Sangkor, MandHatten, Stefan Forssén - pno, John Ehde - vcl, conductors Jørgen Andersen & Hanne Tofte Jespersen venue: Roskilde Gymnasium, Bondetinget 1, 4000 Roskilde

14 Oct 'ETRURIA - Suite in 9 movements' is performed during Ribe Culture Night by Karen Humle, violin, and
Jeppe Mørch Sørensen, double bass. Composer Hanne Tofte Jespersen introduces her piece.

Open music workshop 7:15 pm & 8:15 pm; concert 9:15 pm.
Venue: Ribe Kunstmuseum, Sct. Nicolaj Gade 10, 6760 Ribe - in collaboration with Ribe Music Association
21-22 Sept Kick-off workshop on 'VIBRANDRING' - A collaborate composition project in 2018/19 with
Esbjerg Ensemble, Esbjerg & Varde Music & Visual Art Schools, and Hanne Tofte Jespersen, composer and creator of idea.


26 Aug at 10.30 am Ensemble Storstrøm performs 'HAVEN / THE GARDEN - Three tales' during their annual Chamber music festival. Venue: KUMUS/Fuglsang, Nystedvej 73 C, DK-4891 Toreby L


5 May Gitta-Maria Sjöberg & Polina Fradkina records 'PÅ GJENNOMREISE' - Three songs for soprano and piano for poems by Marit Tusvik. Sound engineer and producer Torsten Jessen, release on new album autumn '18.


22 April at 4 pm Duo Kuno Kjærbye & Erik Hildebrandt-Nielsen perform 'Gottorfer Tongewebe' and 'Hommage à Nicolaus Bruhns' during their concert with North-German baroque music and new commissioned pieces.
Stavnsholt Church, Stavnsholtvej 25, 3520 Farum


8 April at 4 pm Duo Kuno Kjærbye & Erik Hildebrandt-Nielsen perform 'Gottorfer Tongewebe' and 'Hommage à Nicolaus Bruhns' during their concert with North-German baroque music and new commissioned pieces.
Mariendal Church, Nitivej 17, DK-2000 Frederiksberg


18 March at 4 pm 1st PERFORMANCE of 'THERE IS A STREAM- duo for violin og guitar'
Kuno Kjærbye & Mikkel Andersen first perform Hanne Tofte Jespersen's duo, commissioned by duo Kjærbye-Andersen.
Venue: Engholm Kirke, Engholm Kirkevej 1, DK-3450 Allerød


29 Jan at 7.15 pm Author's Talk:
Meet Norwegian author MARIT TUSVIK when Hanne Tofte Jespersen interviews her about what it means to write into one's remembrance and sensation of a child.
"It is not easy to write about a blissful childhood, a cruel childhood is much easier." (Tusvik)

venue: Roskilde Bibliotek, Dronning Margrethesvej 14, 4000 Roskilde - with support from The Danish Arts Foundation


28 Jan at 4 pm 1st PERFORMANCE of 'PÅ GJENNOMREISE - 3 songs for soprano and piano'
Gitta-Maria Sjöberg, soprano, and Polina Fradkina, piano, first perform Hanne Tofte Jespersen's songs to poems by Marit Tusvik'.

Commissioned piece, with composer's fee from the Danish Arts Foundation.
Himmelev Sognegård, Fynsvej 69, DK-4000 Roskilde. Organised by Roskilde Music Association



Dec Conducting mixed choir in two Christmas concerts
10 Dec Svogerslev Church; 17 Dec Ny Vor Frue Church, feat. Vor Frues Sangkor


Nov Mentor in 'composition, classical' during Spil Dansk:
2 Nov in Nordfyn Music School; 3 Nov in Hvidovre Music School


Oct Farvespillet / The Play of Colours as project in Glostrup District:
8 Oct 12 & 2 pm family concert - venue Glostrup Music School, Christiansvej 2, DK-2600 Glostrup
2-6 Oct school concerts and workshops at Vestervang, Søndervang, Skovvang, Nordvang

Sept-Oct 'THE GARDEN - Three tales' w/Ensemble Storstrøm - premiere of Hanne Tofte Jespersen's new commissioned 30 min work venue: KUMUS/Fuglsang


16 Aug at 8 pm Duo Kuno Kjærbye & Erik Hildebrandt-Nielsen perform 'Gottorfer Tongewebe' and 'Hommage à Nicolaus Bruhns' during their concert with North-German baroque music and new commissioned pieces.
venue: Gilleleje Kirke, Gilleleje Hovedgade 45, DK-3250 Gilleleje


21 June at 2 pm If the Land could Speak 8, closing concert of May-June project, with 1st performance of
Hanne Tofte Jespersen's new piece for choreographed children's voices, French horn, double bass and percussion.

Venue: Himmelev hallen, DK-4000 Roskilde
22-23 June Thorbjørn Gram, Katrine Øigaard, Anders Hvidberg-Hansen & Hanne Tofte Jespersen record HLKT 8
Venue: Gråbrødre Kapel
29 Apr 4 pm perf of Duos for violin & orgel in Flensburg
with Kuno Kjærbye og Erik Hildebrandt-Nielsen
Venue: Ansgarkirken, Apenrader Str. 25, 24939 Flensburg, Tyskland
28 Apr 7 pm German 1st perf of Duos for violin & orgel at GOTTORFER MUSIK IM LUTHERJAHR 2017
with Kuno Kjærbye og Erik Hildebrandt-Nielsen
Venue: Schloss Gottorf, Schlosskapelle, Schlossinsel 1, 24837 Schleswig (DE)

25 Apr 7:30 pm Danish 1st perf of Duos for violin & orgel with Kuno Kjærbye & Erik Hildebrandt-Nielsen
Venue: Engholm Kirke, Engholm Kirkevej 1, DK-3450 Allerød


11 Feb 2 pm
Farvespillet/ The Play of colours with Esbjerg Ensemble
venue: HUSET ESBJERG, Finsensgade 1, DK-6700 Esbjerg - family concert
Also performed as school- & kindergarten concerts 7-8-9-10 Feb at 10 and 12 am



17 Dec 2 pm First performance of 'ETRURIA - Suite in 9 movements for violin and double bass'.
Dialogue concert feat. Karen Humle, vl, Ida Bach Jensen cb, Hanne Tofte Jespersen, composer.

Venue: Vendsyssel Art museum, P.Nørkjærs Plads 15, DK- 9800 Hjørring

November OPEN MUSIC-WORK-PLACE with new music work by Hanne Tofte Jespersen for violin and double bass. Featuring Karen Humle, violin, Ida Bach Jensen, double bass, and the composer.
Dates: 5 nov 12-16; 9 Nov 16-20; 11 Nov 12-16; 13 Nov 12-16.
Venue: Museet for Samtidskunst/ The museum of Contemporary Art
, Stændertorvet 3 A, DK-4000 Roskilde
27 Oct 4 pm Farvespillet/ The Play of colours with Esbjerg Ensemble
venue: Esbjerg Art Museum, Havnegade 20,DK- 6700 Esbjerg - family concert
Also performed as school concerts in the art museum 26-27-28 Oct at 10 am
15 Oct 4 pm 1st performance of 'GOING TO HEAVEN' for TTBBB with Linköping Studentsångare
Venue: Immanuelskyrkan, Södra Promenaden 106, 602 34 Norrköping, Sverige
7 October 2 pm If the Land could Speak 7, closing concert of the late summer's project in Viby- & Gadstrup area, with 1st performance of new piece for choreographed children's voices, viola, cello and percussion.
Venue: Dåstrup Skoles hal, Bueager 2,DK- 4130 Viby Sjælland
9.-10. Oct, Anette Slaatto, Caroline Tarras-Wahlberg, Anders Hvidberg-Hansen & Hanne Tofte Jespersen record HLKT 7
Venue: Gråbrødre Kapel


21 June at 14-15 If the Land could Speak 6, closing concert of May-June project, with 1st performance of
Hanne Tofte Jespersen's new piece for choreographed children's voices, French horn, cello and percussion.

Venue: Roskilde Katedralskoles festsal, Holbækvej 59, 4000 Roskilde
26.-27. June Thorbjørn Gram, Caroline Tarras-Wahlberg, Anders Hvidberg-Hansen & Hanne Tofte Jespersen record HLKT 6
Venue: Gråbrødre Kapel



8. december kl 19.30 1st performance of Hanne Tofte Jespersen's 'Alfagottens Vals /Waltz of the Alfagot' for bassoon, cello, marimba at Anrijs Ivanovskis' debut concert from Royal Danish Academy of Music, commissioned by Anrijs. Venue: Koncertkirken, Blågårds Plads, 2200 Copenhagen N


2 Oct 2-3 pm If The Land Could Speak 5, first performance of Hanne Tofte Jespersen's latest interactive piece for choreographed children's voices, recorders, bassoon and percussion, venue: RKS, Holbækvej 59, 4000 Roskilde
22 January 7-9 pm Music in Quinoa Health Food, Gullandsstræde 7. 4000 Roskilde. Fee DKK 100.
Quinoa has invited Music for the Mysteries' leader Hanne Tofte Jespersen to talk about how she derives music out of magical tales and mystery traditions and to play some of her music to Celtic mystic Melangell's tale.
Feat. Hanne, voc, piano, together with Kuno Kjærbye, violin, Anders Hvidberg-Hansen, percussion.
Book your seat at tel (+45) 46 36 00 41



7.-13. July Iceland tour with Melangell


9.7. 5 pm Harpa, Reykjavik
12.7. 3 pm Skálholt Summer Concerts at Skálholt Cathedral
13.7. 3 pm Skálholt Summer Concerts at Skálholt Cathedral



31 October 5 pm: First performance of Hanne Tofte Jespersen's "The Return of Dame Heurodis from the Otherworld" for organ and bombarde, commissioned by the duo Sven-Ingvart Mikkelsen & Jens Rømer. The composer will introduce her new piece which is on the Breton/ Celtic medieval lai "Sir Orfew".

Musikbureauet, Hillerød District sponsored the commission, and Djbfa supported the concert.
Venue: Frederiksborg Slotskirke, Frederiksværksgade 2 B, DK-3400 Hillerød



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25.October "Melangell - Honey Angel " RELEASE-CONCERT
venue: Gl.Vor Frue Kirke, Fruegade 2, 4000 Roskilde

7.30 pm Introduction "Melangell - female saint, mystic, myth" - Composer introduces

9.10 pm Dialogue with audience, artist talks; interviwer: Bent-Erik Rasmussen.
Collaboration with Franz Schubert Society and Roskilde Cathedral
tickets at the gate DKK 20


28. October at 8 pm: 'Melangell - Honey Angel' CHOREOGRAPHED CONCERT - OBS 1.PERF
venue: KoncertKirken, Blågårds Plads 6 A, 2200 Copenhagen N
tickets at the gate DKK 100. Buy CD & ticket together at DKK 200



29.March 1.Workshop with Swedish choreographer Sara Ekman, at Forsøgsstationen, Cph V

21.-25.June Recording The Testimony of Melangell for CD with MERIDIAN RECORDS' chief sound engineer Richard Hughes.

16.-17.August: Sara Ekman instructed the ensemble and Annika Hoydal in Ekman's choreography for the Melangell music

21.September - 1. Oct: Composer Hanne Tofte Jespersen travels to Iceland on an artist's visiting grant from Nordic Culture Point.



19.August at 2 pm - THE TESTIMONY OF MELANGELL - test performance (SOLD OUT)

20.-21 August at 2 and 5 pm - THE TESTIMONY OF MELANGELL - premiere during Schubertiaden 2011
Venue: Hall 9 at MUSICON, Rabalderstræde, DK-4000 Roskilde

artist talk in Hall 9 : 15 min. with composer, author and visual artist at 2.15 pm and 4.30 pm

27 August at 1.30 and 3.30 pm - THE TESTIMONY OF MELANGELL - 2 performances in installation.
Venue: Kongegaarden, Algade 25, DK-4220 Korsør

4.september at 5 pm - THE TESTIMONY OF MELANGELL - church concert
Venue : Frederiksborg Slotskirke, Frederiksværksgade 2 B, DK-3400 Hillerød





27. February at 5 pm - church concert in Kapernaumskirken, Frederikssundsvej 45, 2400 Kbh NV


30. May at 4 & 7 pm - organ inauguration in Ny Vor Frue Church, Vor Frue Hovedgade 63, 4000 Roskilde
- Music for the Mysteries is featured in commisioned piece for solo singers, mixed choir, violin, double bass and organ. 2 concerts

Concert tour on The FAROE ISLANDS:

17. & 18. June 1-5 pm - "Musicians at the Museum" at Listasavn / The Faroese Art Museum, Tórshavn

20.June 4 pm - church concert in Gøta Kirkja

22.June 7.30 pm - church concert in Vesturkirkjan, Tórshavn

all 4 concerts in the Faroe Islands are part of the festival programme Summartónar


25.-28. November we worked on Melangell-music in Bornholm, thanks to DJBFA - and performed an afternoon concert Sunday:

28. November at 2.30 pm - concert in Svanekegaarden, Skippergade 6, 3740 Svaneke



20. September 3-5 pm "MUSIC FOR THE WESTERN MYSTERY TRADITIONS - introductions and concert - presentation of CD
- venue: Dyssegårdskirken, Dyssegårdsvej 19, 2900 Hellerup

25. September 8 pm - Roskilde Domkirke, Domkirkepladsen, 4000 Roskilde

27. September 4 pm - Asnæs Church, Asnæs Kirkevej 10, 4550 Asnæs. Organiser: Musik i Asnæs (chamber music association)



27.January 2.30 pm - Ny Vor Frue Kirke

27.April 2 pm - The Museum of Copenhagen / Københavns Bymuseum. "Intro to the concert " 12.30-1.30 pm.
Tickets at the gate, DKK 140 (incl. admission to the collections and exhibitions of the Museum which is open from 10am to 4 pm)

30. August - The Museum of Contemporary Art, Stændertorvet 3 A, 4000 Roskilde "MUSICIANS IN THE MUSEUM" 12-4 pm:
31. August
- The Museum of Contemporary Art, Stændertorvet 3 A, 4000 Roskilde "MUSICIANS IN THE MUSEUM" from 12 noon.
CONCERT in "Landemodesalen" 2 pm. Reserve free concert ticket: phone 46 31 65 70 or mail

3.-8.September - tour in ENGLAND & WALES:
5.9. National Museum Cardiff at 12 noon
6.9. Dion Fortune Seminar 2008, Glastonbury - tickets: Company of Avalon
7.9. Glastonbury Abbey at 2.45 pm

11.September - Kalundborg Museum, Adelgade 23, 4400 Kalundborg - "MUSICIANS IN THE MUSEUM" 11 am - 4 pm:
OPEN-REHEARSAL-DAY in "Riddersalen"

12.September - Vestsjællands Kunstmuseum, Storgade 9, 4180 Sorø - "MUSICIANS IN THE MUSEUM": 10 am- 2 pm
incl. WORKSHOPS for invited high school students 10-11.30 am & 12.15-1.45 pm

13.September - Vestsjællands Kunstmuseum, Storgade 9, 4180 Sorø - "MUSICIANS IN THE MUSEUM" 12 - 2 pm :
"INTRODUCTIONS TO CONCERT" in the exhibition rooms

13.September - CONCERT at Sorø Klosterkirke, Akademigrunden 4, 4180 Sorø at 4 pm (admission free)

14. September - Kalundborg Museum , Adelgade 23, 4400 Kalundborg - "MUSICIANS IN THE MUSEUM" from 12 noon"INTRODUCTIONS TO CONCERT" in the museum. CONCERT in "Riddersalen" at 2 pm.

20. September - Odsherreds Kunstmuseum Malergården, Plejerupvej 10, 4571 Grevinge : "MUSICIANS IN THE MUSEUM" 12 - 4 pmOPEN-REHEARSAL-DAY in the studio and home of the Swane family of artists.

21. September - Odsherreds Kunstmuseum Malergården, Plejerupvej 10, 4571 Grevinge : "MUSICIANS IN THE MUSEUM":
from 12 noon "INTRODUCTIONS TO CONCERT" in the museum. CONCERT in "Stalden" at 2 pm.



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